Movie Detail




The story of the movie revolves around Soro (Dayahang Rai), who upon returning to his village in Taksera (Rukum) as a school teacher after the end of the civil war falls in love with a village girl Binjuri (Miruna Magar). Soro wants to marry Binjuri but her father wants his son-in-law to live with them in his house as a gharjwain after the marriage. As Soro is the only son of his parents he cann’t leave his father and mother to live with Binjuri and her father. Binjuri also cann’t go against her father. Now to persuade his father-in-law Soro must perform different tasks assigned by him as a test of skills.

  • Director :  Anil Budha Magar
  • Cast :  Dayahang Rai, Miruna Magar, Buddhi Tamang, Shishir Bangdel, Kabita Ale, Raj Thapa, Puskar Gurun
  • Release On :  July 12, 2024
  • Duration :  2 hours

Next Changes

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    Runtime: 2 hours 40 mins