Movie Detail

Romance, Action, Drama

12 Gaun

Romance, Action, Drama

12 Gaun is a thrilling tale where romance meets relentless action, revealing deep-seated social issues. Witness courage, betrayal and redemption as heroes rise against adversity.

  • Director :  Biraj Bhatta
  • Cast :  Sameer Bhatt, Biraj Bhatt, Sonu Chandrapal, Deeya Maskey
  • Release On :  October 10, 2024
  • Duration :  2 hours

Indra Dev

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  • 12:00 PM
  • 03:15 PM
  • 06:15 PM
    • No show Available

    Next Changes

    • Venom: The Last Dance

      Releasing on: October 25


      Runtime: 2 hours 40 mins